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What Is Fulvic Acid?

Fulvic Acid is an important part of GroTerra, but what is it exactly?

Fulvic Acid: A Natural Organic Acid In Soil

The simplest answer to that question is that fulvic acid is the material left behind when microbes consume matter. It breaks down decaying organic material into elements other plants can use and is the mechanism by which plants are able to take up nutrients. Plants can only take up nutrients by “drinking”. That is, nutrients must be soluble (or dissolved, most importantly dissolved in water) to enter a plant’s root system. Fulvic acid chelates beneficial nutrients (or breaks them down) making them soluble and readily available to plants.

Fulvic acid also protects plants from non-beneficial elements (such as chemicals which have been overused in the soil) by binding them so plants cannot absorb them. Over time, this allows natural microbes to break down chemicals which improves the health of the soil.

Healthy soil has a good amount of fulvic acid to keep plants strong as nature intended. Trust GroTerra liquid compost extract to restore a healthy balance to your soil using helpful materials such as fulvic acid in the right proportions.

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